My Guests

Find out who visited your Facebook page

Test the app for the first 24 hours for free

Coming soon

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Do you still not know who visits your Facebook page? Who constantly looks at your pictures, reads your posts and hesitates to write to you.

My guests — is an app that can easily identify in a few minutes who visited your page.

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Your guests on Facebook

View your list of guests on Facebook. Go to their profile or add them as a friend right away.

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Check your secret admirers

Identify your best friends. See how much time they spend on your page.

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Use Invisible Mode

Invisible mode allows you to remain invisible when visiting other people's profiles (i.e. you won't get into other people's guests)

How it works:


Download and launch
the App on your PC


Sign in with


The app will appear at the top of your Facebook page

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The first day is free